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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200
If in an emergency Dial 911
Welcome to the Polk County Sheriff's Office Website. We are happy to provide this site as a resource for use by members of the Polk County Sheriff's Office, the media, and the public. By following us on the Internet, you can help make Polk County a safer place to live from the comfort of your living room. Check in often. And, if you need us - call us. We will always answer the call.
Deputies are seeking the whereabouts of prolific criminal 26 yr old Brandon Barry of Haines City (DOB 8/1/1995), who has Polk County warrants for his arrest for extortion, and improperly exhibiting a firearm. During a recent burst of violence he pointed a handgun at someone and threatened to shoot the person. He's well-known to law enforcement, with an extensive criminal history, and almost always has a firearm in his possession.
Brandon Barry is 6'4" and 185 lbs, with brown hair and brown eyes. He is dangerous, violent, and armed - if you see him do NOT approach him, but please dial 911 or call PCSO at 863-298-6200.
If you have information on his whereabouts please contact Heartland Crime Stoppers Florida @ Anonymity is guaranteed!